Welcome to another edition of me sharing my thoughts and feelings on a book I read. Today, Wistful Ascending by JCM Berne.
A superhero space opera for grownups.
For fans of Invincible and Marvel Cinematic Universe films. If Thor and Harry Dresden combined in a transporter accident.
Thoughts and Feelings
Wistful Ascending is an excellent novel. It deserves to be read by any fans of sci-fi or superheroes.
It took me over a year to finish reading this book. That might lead you to believe I didn’t really enjoy it that much, but in fact the opposite is true. After quickly reading the first chunk of the book, it became what I call my ‘bus stop book’.
Not that I ever take the bus, but if I did this is the book I would have been reading while I waited for my bus to arrive. It’s the book I would toss on my car’s passenger seat or jam in my computer bag when I went somewhere, just in case I had a few extra minutes to read.
Why? Because I knew I would have fun with it, even if I could only read one or two pages in a sitting. Whether a thrilling action scene or the banter of two characters over delectable alien cuisine, something interesting is always happening in this story.
Rohan, the protagonist, has remarkable depth for a main character. His choices are often exciting and fun, but at other times confusing or uncomfortable. Nonetheless, each decision pays off for his character development and is in service to one of the most well-structured tales I’ve read in recent years.
I would be completely satisfied if this was a standalone novel. But knowing it’s just the first in a long series with this character leaves me thrilled to find out what happens next.
I highly recommend this book for fans of sci-fi action and intriguing characters. Wistful Ascending may soon become required reading in science fiction circles.
Check it out here:
Rohan is so fun to read. The fight scenes are just to the max!