The canvasback is the largest diving duck found in North America. They are similar in size to mallards but with a heavier build.
Their long necks and wedge-shaped heads give them a distinctive appearance, along with the chestnut-brown head, red eyes, and gray back of the species’ males.
Canvasbacks dive for their food, often seeking the roots of plants growing underwater. They may also eat other vegetation and small invertebrates in the waters they frequent.
These ducks are another that have a distinct look and I would be thrilled to spot one when I’m out by the water. Have you ever spotted a canvasback? There’s a decent chance of coming across one if you live in North America, particularly in the United States, though some have occasionally been seen as far afield as England in the late 90s.
Well that's just ducky. Sorry. Had to.
I'm no duck-enthusiast, but the male looks like a vampire-duck with the red eyes. I'm not sure if there's a good fantasy story to be written there, but maybe.